Plant Stem Technology

Stem cells are basic cellular building blocks that can transform into tissues, organs etc with specific functions. They are also called “master cells”. Stem cells are a game changer breakthrough in medical science as they can help in repair of dysfuncational parts of body leading to faster recoveriens . They have found applications in cancer treatment and lately, hair growth treatments on cosmetic side. Very recently, stem cells have been successfully incorporated in skincare applications as they can help alleviate the skin tissue damages caused due to heat, injury or ageing. Plant stem cells are derived from plants and have been successfully integrated in skin and hair care applications to treat damaged cells and tissues.

The Process:

A small piece of plant part (can be leaf/seed/root/stem/flower) is isolated and cleaned of any bacteria, fungus etc. The pant part is placed in a nutrient medium (akin to soil, for nutrition) in a tight container for close to 2 weeks. A key point to note here is that there is no soil and root involved. Only a particular plant tissue is grown in isolation. Slowly, the cells begin to multiply forming a lump called plant Callus.
This Callus is then homogenized and suspended in liquid nutrient medium. Until cells reach desired cell multiplication count. Finally secondary metabolites or stem cells are collected and stored properly.
For incorporating plant stem cells in skincare products, they have to be placed in nano emulsions using nano technology. Nano emulsions are carrier medium of stem cells comprising nano sized particles that can be absorbed to the deepest layer of skin

Major Benefits of Plant Stem Cell Technology:
1. Arrests Deforestation - Plant tissues can be lab cultivated at cellular level preventing the use of full herb or conventional extracts.
2. Sustainability – Stem cell technology is sustainable as it does not put pressure on natural resources.
3. Environmental friendly–Non polluting, biodegradable technology.
4. Access to RareFlora–Tissues from rare and expensive plants can be lab cultivated and multiplied, therefore bringing down the costs in long term.
5. Quick absorption and deep penetration. – Due to nano zised partciles, the product is absorbed faster and depper into the skin . Moreover, less quantity of the product is needed to achive desired result.
6. Completely cold process method – leads to restoration of all nutrients and anti-oxidants. No damage or loss due to heat.